There are a lot of tears and sad faces around my house today. The girls visited the pediatrician this morning for their regular checkups, Molly’s four month and Maggie’s two year. There were shots involved!
Molly was up first for her checkup. The doctor said she was doing great (yay!) and *only* needed two shots today. Poor thing, her face turned a new shade of purple when she got stuck with that needle. I’m sure the people outside the building could hear her screams!
The whole time the doctor was examining Molly, I could see Maggie in the corner preparing herself with what was about to happen to her next. Her checkup went well too, until the dreaded flu shot. Afterwards, her face also turned a lovely shade of purple. We had dueling babies in the room – almost like they were trying to do out-do one another with their crying.
Both girls have been extra needy since we got home. It hurts me to see them not feeling well. Cuddling on the couch seems to be helping them. I never get tired of snuggling with my babies, it’s one of the best parts about being a mom. The doctor also recommended I give them each a little Tylenol before their naps and that a slight fever was common. So far, both are snoozing in their rooms, fingers crossed a good, long nap will do the trick!
Tell me your tips on soothing your little one after a doctor’s visit. What works best for your family?