Travel Tuesday – Asheville and the Blue Ridge Parkway

by Carrie with Children with 8 comments

Today’s ‘Travel Tuesday’ has me reminiscing about my one of my favorite places and a place I once called “home”. I’m already looking forward to the day I can take my girls to my old stomping grounds.  

Every fall when the temperatures start to change, I get the travel bug and long to visit the mountains in North Carolina.  I went to college just outside of Asheville ( and it’s strange, but cooler weather reminds me of my days living in the mountains. I haven’t been to the area since April 2008, so needless to say, I’m long overdue for a trip.  

On our last visit to Asheville, I was three months pregnant with Maggie and one of our last vacations as a family of two.  I love spending time on the Blue Ridge Parkway ( you can see for miles and with the leaves changing, it’s a beautiful place to soak up the sunshine.  My favorite hiking spot along the parkway is Graveyard Fields (mile marker 418.8).  The waterfalls here are breathtaking, the smaller creeks are perfect for skipping rocks and the trails are great for novice hikers, like myself.  

One of my favorite places to stop!

Great place to explore!
One of three waterfalls at Graveyard Fields

After a morning filled with exploring, a stop at the Pisgah Inn (mile marker 408.6) is a “must-do” for lunch.  Windows surround the dining room, providing visitors with a panoramic view of the breathtaking mountains.  Did I mention that the food is delicious, too? Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served seven days a week. The Pisgah Inn ( is the highest elevation for lodging on the Parkway at 5,000ft.  Before planning your travel, know that the inn is only open during “warm” months – March through October.  Rumor has it, that years ago food/supplies had to be brought in via helicopter to assist those stranded at the inn during a snowstorm! 

I can’t wait for my girls to get a little older, so that they can enjoy exploring the Blue Ridge Parkway with us. I hope they will enjoy collecting rocks in the streams, or maybe finding leaves in each color to bring home with them, just like their mom used to do.  Next year is my 10-year college reunion (yikes!) and I’m already planning our trip! 

When fall weather arrives at your house – where does your family like to go on vacation?


  • Anonymous

    My daughter, grandson and I will be going to that area in two weeks. I haven't been to the areas you mentioned but I do plan on going on another trip. I love that area and was sad when Holly only went one year-my thought where will I go on vacation now but I still get to go there.
    P.S. I love reading your blogs-they are very well written.

    Pam Rodgers King

  • Peyton

    Carrie – I agree with your suggestions! I lived in Greenville, S.C. for a while, so we would travel up the Blue Ridge Parkway almost every weekend in the fall and just pull off, wander through the trees and end up near wonderful scenery. Such a beautiful place!

  • Becky

    I think Matt wants to go back for Homecoming 2011, if you guys wanna go, too!

  • Carrie with Children

    Pam – So glad you are enjoying my stories! Take lots of pictures while you are in Maggie Valley in a few weeks 🙂

    Peyton – Didn't know you used to live in Greenville! I love that whole area!

    Becky – I am definitely going to Homecoming 2011. It's my 10 year reunion (and Matt's too!)