As the year comes to a close, many of us are planning ahead by setting personal goals for 2011. Maybe it’s eating healthy, losing weight or just living life to the fullest! Honestly, I make resolutions each year and after a few months I’ve stopped following through. It sounds a little funny, but this year my new year’s resolution is to keep my new year’s resolutions!

I could write a week’s worth of posts detailing my blogging goals for the new year, but I’ll spare you the details. My family goals always seem so simple, this year I’m determined to keep it up through the year. Maybe by writing these goals down it will serve as motivation… maybe?! So here goes –
- Make healthier meals for my family.
- Cut out my caffeine intake. (I’ll be sad to see you go, Mountain Dew.)
- Learn and begin using sign language with Molly.
- Schedule more “me” time. Every mom deserves a break!
I’m sure as the year goes on, my list will continue to grow. For now, I think I’m off to a pretty good start!
What goals are on the top of your list this year? What made you decide to tackle this goal for 2011? Let’s make a pact with one another to keep our goals this year. A little peer pressure never hurts – especially if it’s for a good cause!
Ashley @ Mama of All Trades
I keep starting my post about this year's resolutions, but then I freak out at my long list and delete it, lol.
I still need to work on it, I guess!
Some of mine are:
1. Spend more time with my dad. He lives 40 miles away and when I think about it I really could make a better effort at going over to see him more often.
2. Stop procrastinating….
3. Learn something new. Something, anything… something that makes me a more rounded person.
4. Spend more time in prayer…. (this is hard… but it is so important to staying centered…. and open to the things that are out there for me.)
I am sure there is more….
Nicole Hill
Lady Estrogen
New Year's Resolutions are made to be broken; I start thinking of yearly goals some time around February/March 🙂
These are some good ones! I definitely like the idea of more me time!
Frugal Invitation
I'm already a follower, and wanted to stop by & wish you happy holidays!
P.S. I'm hosting my first blog hop, and the linky is now open. Head on over and link up to gain some new followers!
Frugal Invitation
I am with you on number 1 and 2! My weakness is coke:) Good luck!
Menu planning!