A few months ago I submitted this post about Molly to the National Down Syndrome Society’s and their “My Great Story” campaign for inclusion on their site. Today, our story is being featured in the society’s e-newsletter! Yay!
The days and weeks after we learned that Molly was diagnosed with Down Syndrome were so scary and filled with questions of the unknown. I feel like the doctors and professionals that we met with those first few weeks were preparing us for the worst, and I don’t blame them one bit. We needed to know what the road ahead may be like for Molly and our family. But, you know what?! There were only a handful of people that told us about the amazing high points in the journey.
In the past two weeks, our Molly has started making squeaks that are little baby laughs. The first time I heard it, I cried. She’s mastered rolling over and loves doing barrel rolls across the room. And these last few days, she’s become a big fan of blowing bubbles. She’s become quite animated lately and I love it! It’s exciting when any baby reaches these milestones, but when you are told to expect the worst and the opposite happens – those moments mean so much more.

Do you have a personal connection with Down Syndrome? I encourage you to share your story as part of the “My Great Story” campaign. The stories found on their site are truly remarkable and inspiring.
This is such a wonderful idea! And I think any accomplishment, no matter how trivial it seems, is ALWAYS 1,000 times more special when it involves kids with delays (especially severe ones!). My oldest was severely delayed in speech and a couple of other areas. When she spoke her first REAL sentence, I bawled as I smiled with such excitement.
Over on my new blog about my son who is also a special needs child (but with mental illnesses/disorders), I've been pulling posts from my main blog to fit better over on my ""Metal"-ist Mom" blog, where I am chronically what life is like for him having Silent Disabilities, and what life as his parent/mother is like. So far, the reception is good.
Us moms aren't looking for a pity party or sympathy. And I think that moms like us that blog about our lives and frustrations about raising kids like ours get taken out of context and are misunderstood.
I can't wait to read what miss Molly does next! Yay for barrel rolls!! Which I always giggled at when my kids did them as babies. (=
Sabina Bint Benjamin
I'm very happy for you guys and Molly. This was an awesome read to get my day going. Molly is beautiful and may you guys experience many more milestones with her.
Enjoy your week.
Mommy to a lil lady[bug]
She is beautiful 🙂
Tami / Maddie Lumpkin
Molly is absolutely beautiful! I too have a special child. If you have never read The Special Mother by Erma Bombeck I have it posted on my most recent blog. My son is an adult now and I found this piece when he was diagnosed.It touched my heart then and still does.Hugs to you, Tami
I'm so glad your story was featured. I think it's important for families with all kinds of special needs to know that there will be so much joy, too, along with the doom and gloom that we hear about so often.
Kelly-Ann aka hijab-beegirl
Hi… she's a beautiful baby! And I think what you do with your blog is quite amazing. I'm following from Three P's in a pod.
In the near future I hope to visit your blog often to read more about your stories and life.
Best wishes in this wonderful year of 2011!
I'd love if you are able to follow back.
She's so precious!
Mommy Head
Way to go Molly! Hey, can you have her come teach my Ryan to roll the rest of the way over? He goes from back to tummy, and then wants to stay there. It is exhausting!
Lorie Shewbridge
Totally love those beautiful pictures of Molly.
I love her smile and am so happy to hear of her wonderful accomplishments.
She has the greatest family on her side. 🙂