Five Question Friday – April 15

by Carrie with Children with 12 comments
I’m so glad it’s Friday!  This has been such a busy week for us – we’ve had something going on each day this week, I’m ready to relax for awhile….and catch up on the laundry!


What are you up to this weekend?

Just a reminder, I’m linking up with others for Five Question Friday and I don’t make up the questions. Click on the button below to see a linky list of others also participating. Be sure and share your answers below too!
What is your favorite sign of spring? Is it terrible that springtime makes me think about football?!  Springtime to a football fan means spring practices, the football schedule is released and it’s almost time for the NFL Draft.  Who cares that the season doesn’t actually start until September…it’s never too early to start talking and thinking about football!


What was your best birthday ever? This is a tough one…   I met my boyfriend Garth Brooks (yes, my husband knows..and yes, he thinks I’m crazy) the day before my 14th birthday.   I’ve also seen him in concert on my birthday…and he’s released two different albums on my birthday.


What is your favorite dessert? Any dessert that involves apples and ice cream.  Apple pie, apple crisp…if it’s got ice cream to go with it – I want to try it!


What is the best excuse you’ve ever used to get out of a ticket? I’m totally jinxing myself here…but I’ve never gotten a ticket.  Ever.


Do you wake up before your alarm, with your alarm or after hitting snooze several times? The snooze button is my best friend.  I’m a terrible morning person.  I don’t “do” mornings.   I’m not sure it’s physically possible for anyone to wake up with their alarm or heavens forbid, before the alarm.  Long live the snooze button!  Who’s with me?


  • Colleen (Shibley Smiles)

    So cool you have such a famous boyfriend 😉

  • The Mommy

    Your boyfriend puts on a great concert.

    Plans for the weekend include trying not to float away from all the rain we are supposed to get. If Glo-Worm’s fever stays gone today & tomorrow he has an Easter Egg Hunt Sunday afternoon. If the weather guesser’s are wrong we are going to the Henderson County Tri-Fest.

    How about you, big plans?

    • Carrie with Children

      You are so right – my boyfriend does put on a great concert! 🙂 I love him!

      I’m going to a baby shower on Sunday and tomorrow we are going to the local arts/farmer’s market and then to Office Depot to get a new desk! Yay!

      Enjoy your weeked!

  • Tara@ Thats a Wrap

    I actually have celebrity husbands not boyfriends. And like yours my husband is fine with it. He will actually yell and tell me when they are on! I did the 5 Question Friday as well what an easy and fun way to get to know each other! No ticket really….yep you so just jinxed yourself 🙂

    • Carrie with Children

      Ha! I love that you have celeb husbands! I’m not the only crazy lady!

      Five Question Friday is a lot of fun! Running over to check your answers out now! 🙂

  • Jessica

    Congrats on not having a ticket yet! 🙂 I kid you not, I was stopped on my birthday a few years ago for a minor traffic violation. I didn’t try to talk my way out of it, I knew what I did. Anyway, the cop flashed his lights and pulled me over. He took my license and registration then returned to his cruiser. He tapped on my window about a minute later and said “I’m sorry ma’am but I cannot give you a ticket, today is your birthday”. I was so grateful! 🙂

    • Carrie with Children

      Ha! That is a great story! Good timing that it was your birthday! 🙂

  • Mandi

    My favorite sign if spring is the Lenten season. It brings me a renewed spirit.
    I had alot of fun birthdays! My favorites were my middle school birthday sleep overs.
    My favorite dessert is ice cream, but I pretty much love all sweets.
    I cry when I get pulled over. I haven’t had a ticket yet.
    I usually don’t set an alarm, but when I do, I get up with it.

    • Carrie with Children

      Ice cream is another one of my dessert weaknesses! It doesn’t even matter what flavor! 🙂

  • Melissa

    My favorite sign of Spring is baseball baby!!!

    Guess what I had yesterday? :-0

    Apple Pie Ice Cream Concrete….yum!

    • Carrie with Children

      That sounds like heaven! Now…I’m in the mood for ice cream! 😛