Five Question Friday – May 27

by Carrie with Children with 8 comments

Hooray for a long, holiday weekend!   We are headed to the lake for a wakeboarding competition on Saturday (just to watch, not participate!).  Besides that, we have nothing planned and I’m kind of excited about it!  I’ve been out of town the last two weekends, so I’m looking forward to some quiet time.

What are you up to this weekend?

Just a reminder, I’m linking up with others for Five Question Friday and I don’t make up the questions. Click on the button above to see a linky list of others also participating. Be sure and share your answers below too!


Do you apologize to your kids? If I’m in the wrong…of course I do!  They may still be too young to really “get it” but might as well teach them when they are young!  (Am I totally misinterpreting the question?! I’m writing this way past my bedtime on Thursday night.)

What colors are your nails right now? Um…first of all, feet are gross.  So, easy answer for toenails …no color! I’m a la natural when it comes to fingernails…so no color there either!  However, back in the day (pre-children) I used to love getting my nails painted OPI “I’m Not Just A Waitress…” that’s my favorite color!  What’s yours?

When you were growing up, how difficult was it for you to stay home from school sick? The older I was, I think the tougher it got.  I wasn’t a fan of high school (at all) so I’m sure I tried to get out of it more often that I should have.  Sadly, I wasn’t a good liar and ended up at school anyways. (Sorry mom!)

When is the last time you bought a new comforter for your bed? It’s been at least five years..and I want something new!  Since I just won a mattress from Sleep Innovations at SheCon….maybe now is a good time to start shopping for a new comforter!

Favorite website? Call me plain and simple, but I love my iGoogle homepage.  It’s got my email, my RSS feeder, my calendar and a Wikipedia widget..  What more could a girl need?!



  • A Mommy in the City

    I’m an all natural girl on my nails too. I just can’t find the time or energy to get them done only to have them messed up the next day!

    • Carrie with Children

      Exactly! All that work just to have them get messed up! I’m always so impatient when it comes to waiting for them to dry.

  • RoryBore

    I am au naturel on the fingernails, but love bright colors on my toes in summer. Currently sporting the famous No More Waity Katie from Butter London. (created for Royal Wedding) It’s a sparklie lavender and I love it!

    • Carrie with Children

      Fancy! A sparkly lavender sounds fun and summer-y! Enjoy your weekend!

  • Miranda

    My toe nails are always hot pink in the summer. My fingernails are usually just natural. Every now and then I like to do a neutral color.

    • Carrie with Children

      Hot pink sounds like a great color to me! Have a great weekend!

  • The Mommy Therapy

    I can’t get over the foot thing. I agree that feet are gross, but does that mean that you NEVER have your toenails painted? I’m fascinated!

    Have fun this weekend!

    • Carrie with Children

      LOL. You are cracking me up. Nope. Never had my toenails painted…and not planning on it ever happening. Trust me, you don’t want to see the feet of someone who was a dancer for 16 years. Promise.

      Hope you enjoy your weekend too!