Five Question Friday – June 3

by Carrie with Children with 1 comment

Well, it’s the last day of our vacation in Tampa!  It’s been fun, we’ve gone to a baseball game, the aquarium and even took our first (and second) trip to IKEA (more on that in a future post!) I’m ready to get home though and get the girls back on our routine/schedule.  It’s fun being on vacation…but wow it’s tough juggling babies off their routine!

What are you up to this weekend?

Just a reminder, I’m linking up with others for Five Question Friday and I don’t make up the questions. Click on the button above to see a linky list of others also participating. Be sure and share your answers below too!


If you had to choose –  how would you choose to spend money…on landscaping or a pool? My husband may kill me for this answer, but definitely landscaping.   I have yard envy of someone in our neighborhood, I want our ard to look as nice as this family’s yard.  I don’t have a green thumb, so I’d love for someone else to come in and make my yard look amazing!


Death penalty…yay or nay? I’m not even going to get into this one.  Sounds like someone is trying to stir up a mess by asking this question. Next question.


What’s the worst thing your kid has gotten into when you turned your back/blinked? Maggie had a great time coloring on her sister’s closet doors one afternoon.  Thankfully, it was with washable markers!


How often do you really go to the dentist? Not often enough!


What is your favorite animal? (pet or not-pet) This is a tough one – I have so many!  I love orange kitty cats and beagles…. especially since that’s the type of our pets.   I love monkeys too.  (I mean really…who doesn’t love monkeys too?!)



    If I had the money definitely the pool, could always landscape around the pool.

    I do believe in the death penalty -yes unfortunately there are innocent people convicted but that’s even in court not involving the death penalty.

    My son and his friend were about 8 at the time and were trying to start a fire in the shed. My husband caught them before any serious damage was done.

    I try to go every six months for regular cleanings and check ups.

    I like dogs as a pet and bottle nosed dolphins-I love to watch them frolic in the water and jump in the air without a care in the world.