Five Question Friday – July 8

by Carrie with Children with 10 comments

Happy Friday to you! It looks like we are going to have a rainy weekend here in Florida!  I’ve got my fingers crossed the shuttle still goes at 11:26am this morning!  If the weather is okay, we may be able to see it from our house!

What are you up to this weekend? Anything exciting?

Just a reminder, I’m linking up with others for Five Question Friday and I don’t make up the questions. Click on the button above to see a linky list of others also participating. Be sure and share your answers below too!


Do you think cursive writing is overrated?  (Schools in Indiana have voted to take teaching cursive out of their curriculum.) I write in cursive quite a bit.  I don’t think it’s overrated at all!  I wonder what the school in Indiana plan on teaching instead?


Do you still use a pocket calendar or notepad or do you keep your info in your smartphone? Call me totally crazy, but I have two! I kee a hand written calendar/notebook that I use for everything blogging related and everything else goes into my iPhone.


What three things would you save if your house was burning down. (Family and pets are already safe.) Our lockbox – it has tons of “must keep” information in it!  My laptop – Yes, I keep a backup of all my files in the lockbox, but I just can’t leave it!  I’d probably also grab a bag of the girls toys!  Sentimental reasons, but also they need something to have from their childhood!


Country Mouse or City Mouse,  errr person? I’ve been both the Country Mouse and the City Mouse at different times in my life.  I’m going with City Mouse though – I can’t live far away from Target and Chick-Fil-A.


If you could pick ANY reality show to go on, which one would you pick? If I was a better cook, I would choose Top Chef!  I love that show and really wish I could cook like the chefs on that show!


  • A Mommy in the City

    I don’t even think I remember how to write in cursive. Sad, right? I also love top chef. I think I would pick Big Brother because I love that show.

    • Carrie with Children

      Yeah I guess cursive is a thing of the past! Top Chef rocks! I’m not sure I could be on Big Brother. Too much drama for me, although I do love the challenges though!

  • The Mommy Therapy

    I think Indiana is going to teach finger printing since no one wll be able to sign their names.

    Toys for the kids! Great idea. They also might want something to do when you all are without a home.

    Have a great weekend!

    • Carrie with Children

      Ha! Finger printing – I bet you are right!

      Hope you enjoy your weekend too!

  • Melissa

    Wow, I always thought cursive was a pain, but I do use it to sign. Won’t they have to teach children how to do cursive for a signature?

    • Carrie with Children

      I know, so weird! I guess print is now considered the same as cursive signature?! Makes no sense to me

  • Reasonably Less

    Very Interesting, Love it! Nice site, I will be sure to come back to visit! Following you from Bloggy Moms!

    “Mommy freebies, coupons and Advice on using coupons”

    • Carrie with Children

      Hi there! Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate you following along!

  • Laurie DUtton

    That’s my thinking too. First you take out handwriting what’s next arts and music are all being cut. I love Top Chef too 🙂

    • Carrie with Children

      Exactly! It scares me to think what may be the next thing to face the chopping block! Thanks for stopping by today, Laurie! Have a great weekend