Don’t tell my dog Penny…..but I really love cats. My cat Jack has been with me longer than my husband!
I saw this funny (and very silly) video over on Cute Overload this week and instantly knew it had to be this afternoon’s post. This video makes me laugh each time I watch it.
What do you think about it?
Mama Kat
Awww!! What a cutie!
And now I want both…a kitten and a working printer.
Carrie with Children
This little kitten is so cute, it makes me want to get another one too! Thanks for stopping by, Mama Kat! You rock!
Mary McLean
I would love to have one just like him, but I don’t think my two would appreciate him!
Carrie with Children
I’d love to have one like him too, Jack would be so mad though! This kitty reminds me of Dan and Carol’s old cat..but nicer!
Amy @ Marvelous Mommy
HAHAHA My cat used to freak out and try to attack the printer when it started!!
Carrie with Children
Hahaha! That is awesome! 🙂