Review: Oxiclean Versatile Stain Remover Tackles Laundry

by Carrie with Children with 2 comments

As mom to two toddlers, a messy dog, a cute cat and an extra messy husband – stains are an everyday occurrence in my house.  I was recently given the opportunity to try to tackle our family’s toughest stains.  It was my first experience with and to be honest, I’m impressed.

I put the stain remover to the test with a nasty blood stain on one of my husband’s white t-shirts.  Per the directions, I followed the pre-soak instructions by soaking the shirt with the Oxiclean powder for one hour (depending on the stain, soaks can be up to six hours.)  The soak didn’t just pull out the blood stain – it also pulled out a lot of dirt too.  By the time my pre-soak was done, the water was filthy…and there was no sign of any stains.








After the pre-soak, I added the shirt to my regular washing routine and there was still no sign of the stain after washing.  I was concerned that the Oxiclean would effect the colors of the other items in the wash, but there was no sign of any problems.

I was so pleased with how the treated our laundry, that I decided to give it a go on our nasty carpet stains.  Check out my before and after pictures below.  I’m interested in trying Oxiclean with more of clothes and carpet stains in the future.








Looking for other ways to use ?  Boost your detergent by adding a scoop of powder to each load of laundry.   can also treat grout and tile stains too.  I’m interested in trying it out on our kitchen floors soon!

Visit the to learn more about treating tough laundry stains and be sure to grab a coupon too!

I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of OxiClean and received OxiClean items to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.


  • Troy Pattee

    Okay, now I’ve got to try it on my carpet. Thanks for the tip!

    • Carrie with Children

      Awesome! It worked great on our carpet – hope it does well with yours too!