Exclusive Video: Disney Junior Minnie’s Bow-Toons!

by Carrie with Children with 11 comments

(c) Disney Junior

Maggie loves anything to do with Minnie Mouse, so I was excited to recently learn about a new short series premiering soon on Disney Channel and Disney Junior – “Minnie’s Bow-toons”.

This new series features Minnie and Daisy Duck working at the Bow-tique,  a shop featuring hair bows and bow ties.   The premiere episode has Minnie fixing leaky pipes with rubber bows!  The series premieres with a new episode airing at 8:55 a.m., ET/PT each day during Minnie’s birthday week, Monday, November 14 – Saturday, November 19 on Disney Channel and DisneyJunior.com.

Check out this exclusive first look at the premiere episode –

In honor of Minnie’s birthday, Disney Junior will be airing a block-long marathon featuring the new shorts and Minnie-centric episodes of “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse” on Minnie’s actual birthday Friday, November 18 from 8:55 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. ET/PT, as well as the following day Saturday, November 19 from 6:30 – 9:00 a.m., ET/PT.   I know what we’ll be watching both mornings – lots of Minnie Mouse!

Interested in seeing more of Minnie’s Bow-Toons? Log on to DisneyJunior.com/Minnie to play Minnie-themed games and download new coloring pages, and get a sneak-peek of the following day’s episode before it premieres on air!

What do you think of this new short-form series?   Did you like Minnie’s “Bow-Toons”?


** I received no compensation for this post, I’m excited about this new series and wanted to share the scoop with you.  Thoughts and opinions here are 100% my own and not influenced by others.  **


  • Hanan

    We don’t have cable, but this show looks super cute!

  • Carrie with Children

    I think it’s super cute too! You can watch them on the Disney Junior site, ya know! 🙂

  • Coming Home

    Thanks for this info! My 2 year old has just discovered Minnie and will love this!

    • Carrie with Children

      Yay! I hope ya’ll enjoy it! My Maggie loves Minnie!

  • Krista Swan @kristalswan

    OMG, my daughter will be ALL OVER THIS! She always begs me to watch Minnie’s Masquerade. I’m setting the DVR *RIGHT NOW*!

    • Carrie with Children

      Yay! I’m excited about it too – my little Maggie is obsessed with Minnie! Hope your daughter enjoys it!

  • Miranda

    Thanks! My daughter and I both love Mickey ;)!

    • Carrie with Children

      I hope you both enjoy it! I’m excited for Minnie’s birthday week! 🙂

  • Lolo

    Looks adorable. My little guy can not get enough of Mickey and Minnie!

    • Carrie with Children

      I can’t wait to see more episodes – it looks fun!

  • anne

    I love Minnie mouse and I like her okay Minnie’s bowtoons Fan Anne Deweese.