Favorite Friday Video: Happy Holidays from Signing Time

by Carrie with Children with 2 comments

I’m a big fan of Signing Time, we have a few of the videos and we are working on some beginning sign language with Molly.  Lucky for us, Maggie is enjoying it too!  I was excited to run across this video with Rachel sharing some signs for the holidays!

Not familiar with Signing Time?  Check out http://www.signingtime.com and also follow the Signing Time Facebook page.  They have an active Facebook community and usually have some great deals too!


  • Pam King

    Leland and I saw this the other night and he was mesmerized by it. It was about feelings. He does have a little book that does signing for mommy, daddy, phone, ball, milk and bed and turn out the light. He loves it. I will have to check out this video and get it. Thank you, Santa just found another thing to get him.

    • Carrie with Children

      That is great, Pam! They are really great DVDs. Tons of video clips on YouTube too, if you want to check out some more of it. Let me know what Leland thinks of it!