Windows Tech Tuesday Twitter Chat & Southwest Airlines #Win7Tech

by Carrie with Children with comments closed

This week’s Tech Tuesday Live Twitter Chat features  Southwest Airlines discussing travel for the holiday season! Did you know that this holiday season you can get your family photos taken in airports around the country, thanks to Southwest and Windows! There’s also a great prize for this week’s chat…keep reading to find out!

This week’s chat also offers tips on using Windows Live Photo Gallery for great photo features to ensure picture perfect holidays!  I use it for all of my photos – editing, organizing and sharing!

Here’s the scoop on today’s Windows Tech Tuesday Twitter Chat:

  • Join the chat from 12-1 PT (3-4 ET) on Twitter
  • Follow the hashtag #win7tech
  • Answer Q1-Q5 with the hashtag #win7tech for a chance to win the ticket prize

And it wouldn’t be a Twitter chat without prizes!  The #win7tech folks are giving away  1 set of round-trip tickets for domestic travel anywhere in the US.  How’s that for an amazing prize?!

Hope to “see” you at this afternoon’s chat!  I’ll be tweeting from @CarrieWChildren – be sure and say hi!


**I am a member of the Windows Champions blogger program. As part of this arrangement, I have been loaned a Windows 7 PC for the course of year and have the opportunity to learn about Windows and Microsoft products. I’m also excited to share information with you.**