Wordless Wednesday *Linky* Dishwashing Helper

by Carrie with Children with 12 comments

Taken via Instagram



  • Tammi @ My Organized Chaos

    And what an adorable little helper she is!!

    My Organized Chaos

  • Vivien

    These crazy kiddos- it never gets boring with the littles around 😉

    Happy Wednesday!

  • kewkew

    That is a cute shot. My 19 mth old loves helping me put the silverware away from out of the dishwasher.

  • Melissa

    Aw, what a big helper!

  • amy

    Oh my goodness…. story (picture) of my life!! I cant load or unload the dishwasher if my daughtwe isnt taking a nap!

  • Swapna

    How cute is that romper!!!! Love the pic.

  • happy caity

    oopsy! be careful little one! hehehe

  • DrillerAA

    Great capture. I love it when they want to help…or at least see what is going on. Happy WW.

  • Molly

    Gosh, I wish the dishwasher really was that fun 🙂 Cute pic, thanks for sharing!

  • Mary

    You know, my daughter does the same thing and it drives me nuts! However, your daughter doing it is too darn cute! And I love her jammies!

  • Dominique@Dominique's Desk

    Aww..that’s so cute.. love your little helper in her pjs!!

  • The Mommy Therapy

    My daughter has those same pajamas and can often be found doing the same thing to my dishwasher!

    She’s adorable!