Favorite Friday Video: Signing Time – “Here I Go”

by Carrie with Children with 4 comments

One of my goals this year is to incorporate more sign language into our daily routine.  We are big fans of the Signing Time videos.  We’ve all enjoyed learning signs with Rachel’s videos…and I’ll admit the songs are super catchy!

This is one of Maggie’s favorite songs – “Here I Go” from Baby Signing Time: Volume 2.


  • Ashley @ Mama of All Trades

    We love Signing Time. I really need to invest in the videos. Even at 3.5, Bunny is enthralled with signs and always wants to learn more. They even watched Signing Time at school this week to supplement the signs they are learning there, too.

    • Carrie with Children

      They are such great videos – we’ve used them so much! Our local library has a ton of them on DVD available for check-out, might want to check there!

      It’s funny we started learning sign language for Molly, but Maggie has really taken an interest in it too!

  • Sami

    I love sign language! My daughter was able to communicate a lot earlier because of it, and even though she talks now she still signs. I love the signing time songs too, I actually have one stuck in my head now.

    • Carrie with Children

      That is so great that she talks now, but still continues to sign! How wonderful that she caught on to signing so quickly! I feel like I always have a Signing Time song stuck in my head 🙂