Five Question Friday – March 23

by Carrie with Children with 3 comments

Hooray for Friday! What are your plans for the weekend?! Let’s get to the sure and share your answers below!

Just a reminder, I’m linking up with others for Five Question Friday and I don’t make up the questions. Click on the button above to see a linky list of others also participating.

If you were free to just hop in the car and drive, where would you go?  Or if you could hop on a plane and go anywhere, where would you go?   If I could hop in the car, I’d go to Disney World.  I’ve been threatening to do this the last few weeks, but I keep chickening out.  Maybe soon, I’ll get the nerve to go solo with both girls while Daddy is at work. It’s only a 2 1/2hour drive.  If I could hop on a plane, I’d go to Ireland. I’ve been fortunate to visit twice and I’ve been dreaming of going back one day.

What’s your most recently read favorite book?  Ha!  I just told someone last night that I wasn’t even sure what the last book was that I read.  Honestly, I have no idea.  I’m not that big into reading.  (Apologies to my mom and my sister – they love reading!)

What’s your favorite Spring Break memory?  One year in college for Spring Break, a group of us went on a cruise to the Bahamas and Key West.  We were SO excited about our trip, we arrived at the port to find that our “cruise ship” was SO tiny and our rooms were practically the size of closets.  The “ship” was so small, we were seasick most of the trip…but we made up for it in Key West.  We had a blast and we were there for St. Patrick’s Day.

What do you put in your child’s Easter basket?  Or for those without kids, what was put in your childhood Easter basket?   I think last year we put some candy in a few eggs, some coins in a few others and some small little toys and necklaces.  We had a big Easter egg hunt with cousins, so there were lots of kiddos running around!

Do you get a summer haircut?  I do not get a different haircut for the summer.  I’ve had the same boring hairstyle for years..  (anyone want to give me a makeover?)  I usually get some lighter highlights though for the summer.  Which reminds me.. I need to make a hair appointment ASAP!


  • Pam King

    If I could hop in the car and drive anywhere I think it would be the mountains. I love going up there especially in the fall. If I could hop in an airplane and go anywhere it would be Australia, its on my bucket list.
    I like to read but honestly I haven’t had time to read any books lately, other than childrens books to my grandson.
    We didn’t have Spring Break when I went to school, we got Good Friday for Easter and that was it.
    I put some eggs with candy, coins and some little toys to play with in the basket. This year I got him a v reader book since he got a v reader for Christmas.
    I need to get a summer haircut!

  • My Kid's Mom

    Ireland would be awesome.

  • Danna

    Key West was my favorite stop on the cruise my husband and I went on. It was so much fun! I have always wanted to go to Disney, but seeing as we live in the Midwest it would be quite the commitment. We are thinking of going in a couple of years when the little two kiddos are older. Have a lovely weekend!