Seven Things To Know About Down Syndrome #321

by Carrie with Children with 3 comments

March is a meaningful month for those of us in the Down syndrome community.  March 21st has been designated by the United Nations as “World Down Syndrome Day”.

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  •  March 21st (3/21) was chosen to symbolize the third copy of chromosome 21 in Trisomy 21, the most common form of Down syndrome.
  • Down syndrome is the most commonly occurring chromosomal condition.
  • There are three types of Down syndrome. 95% of people with Down syndrome have Trisomy 21, a full additional copy of chromosome 21, 5% of people with Down syndrome have translocation or mosaicism, and have partial additional copies in all or some cells.
  • People with Down syndrome visit both typical doctors and specialists.
  • Many children with Down syndrome are included in regular education classrooms alongside their peers. Research has shown that this has positive effects on the academic and social experiences of students with and without disabilities.
  • Over 285,000 people participate in over 250 Buddy Walks® across 50 states each year. That’s a lot of celebrating people with Down syndrome!
  • This is the first year that World Down Syndrome Day is officially recognized by the United Nations! Join the global celebration and let everyone know that people with Down syndrome should be valued, accepted and included!

world down syndrome day

To learn more information about Down syndrome or the upcoming World Down Syndrome Day, visit the National Down Syndrome Society at

I’m totally not an expert, just a mom …. but I’d love to answer any questions you may have about our daily life surrounding Down syndrome.    

What would you like to know? 


  • Robbie

    Thank you for sharing this information! My cousin was born with Down Syndrome more than 50 years ago when society wasn’t as accepting.

    • Carrie with Children

      Thanks so much for reading, Robbie! I appreciate it!