Molly Milestone: “Big Kid School” #DownSyndrome

by Carrie with Children with 10 comments

This past week while I was in Kissimmee for the Chimpanzee premiere, Molly reached another fantastic milestone…a very bittersweet milestone.

With my husband playing Mr. Mom for a few days, he had a big presentation for work last Thursday morning that he couldn’t miss.  Maggie would be at school, but we were in need of someone to watch Molly for a few hours.  Maggie’s teacher has been asking us for months to let Molly stay one day and try out “big kid school”, so this was the perfect opportunity!

I’m so excited to tell you that Molly did fantastic!  I was so anxious to hear about her day.  Technically, she’s still too young for the class, so she was definitely the “little kid” in the class, but that didn’t slow her down.  I did feel good knowing that Maggie was in the same room with her, so at least there was a familiar face!

Maggie’s teacher, Miss Mary (who I absolutely adore) told us that it felt like Molly had always been a part of the class!  She played well with all the other kids, she loved being outside on the playground and she even made two art projects!   Consider me a proud mama!

Our goal for Molly has always been that she be included in typical activities, just like any other child.  However, that doesn’t mean I wasn’t scared!  I was terrified!  It was such a relief to hear that she had a successful first day. Since she did so well, I think we are going to sign her up for preschool two days a week after the summer break.

I can’t believe my little Molly is growing up!


  • Jen @ Born Just Right

    That’s so exciting! Go Molly!!

    • Carrie with Children

      Thanks Jen! I’m thrilled that it was (so far) an easy transition!

  • Cam

    Freedom! Ha ha, I bet she will get mad when Maggie gets to go off to preschool on the days she doesn’t!

    Go Molly.

    • Carrie with Children

      Cam – Yesterday morning was a little tricky when we dropped Maggie off. Molly really wanted to stay too! 🙂

  • Mrs. Tuna

    That’s fantastic, so glad she had a good time!

    • Carrie with Children

      Thank you! She loved it…and took an extra long nap when she got home! 🙂

  • Jenny

    aww she’s so cute. glad she liked it 🙂 but of course you know, kids in school means PARTY TIME FOR MOM!! 😛 hehe

    • Carrie with Children

      Thanks Jenny! I have no idea what I’m going to do with myself once both girls are in school! Maybe a nap?! 🙂

  • Cher@Mom and More

    A good teacher definitely makes a difference! Yeah for her!

    Stopping by from Ultimate Blog Party 2012! Hope you’ll stop by and visit me at Mom and More!

    • Carrie with Children

      Thanks for stopping by, Cher! You are right – a great teacher makes all the difference!