What I Saw This Weekend…

by Carrie with Children with 4 comments

Last night, one of my local friends shared an album on Facebook called “What I Saw This Weekend…”  and I loved seeing a recap of her weekend in pictures.

So, here’s a look at my weekend in pictures….Instagram style!










On Saturday, we went to the Riverside Arts Market.  It’s our favorite place to go on Saturday mornings.  I love picking up some fresh fruits and veggies from the local vendors and the girls are obsessed with watching the jugglers.

Each trip to the arts market always ends with one child crying because they want to stay longer and the other is always asleep.  I consider it a successful trip to the market!

On Sunday, we went to a fun birthday party for our friend Dylan.  Maggie actually sat still long enough to have her face painted.  She was so proud of that butterfly….and cried when we washed it off before bedtime.

For some reason on Sunday I had the urge to bake a cake… weird I know.  So, I decided to try out my new Mickey Mouse cake pan.  I’m still trying to decide how to decorate it. (I’m open to suggestions!)

We ended our weekend with a wagon ride through the neighborhood.  The weather was wet and nasty Sunday morning, but the sun finally came out, giving us a beautiful end to the weekend.

What did you see this weekend?  


  • Jessica

    I love Instagram, cute pictures!!

    • Carrie with Children

      Thanks Jessica! I love Instagram too – it’s so fun playing with all the filters! 🙂

  • Jenny

    Looks like an amazing weekend!