Staying Connected with My Verizon Wireless XYBoard #VZWA

by Carrie with Children with 8 comments

A few weeks ago, while I was in Kissimmee for the Chimpanzee premiere we spent some time on Makinson Island.  It’s a beautiful island with over 300 acres of hiking trails and a great place for camping and a picnic.

But here’s the catch…It’s the bare necessities surrounded with fantastic views – there’s no running water and no electricity.  For a social media addict and lover of technology, that’s a frightening thought!  It’s important for me to stay “connected”.

So, I figured that meant I’d also have a hard time getting Internet access with my XYBoard from Verizon Wireless.  And, wow was I wrong!

As soon as I turned on my tablet, I had a strong 4G signal that allowed me to feel like I was sitting at my desk at home. I had access to  the Internet and my favorite apps – Hootsuite and Facebook!  Even though I was supposed to be relaxing and enjoying the views, I loved being connected to my tablet.  It was a beautiful place and so relaxing to catch up on the news!

For a social media addict that doesn’t like to be gone away long from the online world, It’s great to know that no matter where I go, literally… I always have a great signal thanks to the 4G technology on my XYBoard.

Where are some of the places you’ve stayed connected while on the go?

Verizon Ambassadors **As part of the Verizon Wireless Ambassador program, I received a free device and service in exchange for my honest opinions. Thoughts and opinions here are 100% my own. **



  • Jen

    I had great signal out there too!!! What a pretty day it was 🙂

    • Carrie with Children

      It was such a beautiful place. I really want to go back and take my husband there – I think he’d love it. He can fish and I can hang out with my tablet 🙂

  • amber

    How fun to enjoy the view and play with your tablet too.

    • Carrie with Children

      It was a great way to spend the morning, Amber! Pretty scenery and my love of social media! 🙂

  • Lolo

    A strong signal is very important. You do not realize how much you need it until you do not have it. Glad it worked great for you!

  • Megan@MondayMorningMusings

    I know what you mean about the remote island. If you put me in one of the most gorgeous places on earth, on a weeklong vacation (Fiji, last year), there WILL come a point when I would need to go online and “connect”. Hubby was shaking his head in disbelief. I hate when that happens 🙂

  • cori

    i can’t live without a strong signal…and lately my cell signal has sucked!! Guess I need to look at verizon!

  • Caryn B

    I recognize that photo : ) Missed you this weekend! We should talk about what conferences you’re heading to this yeart….