The XYBoard from Verizon Wireless is officially my first tablet. I’ve got a great case for it and I’m always careful about where I leave it – it’s precious to me. With all the rain we’ve had lately, I was running out of ideas of how to keep Maggie from getting cabin fever. So.. after a lot of internal debating, I introduced my three-year old to my tablet. And now, I’ll be lucky if I ever get it back. She’s in LOVE!
We started out by playing the Piano. She told me she loved making her own music. However, I don’t think she’s ready for a recital yet! (Check out the video below to see her in action!)
From there, we searched the Google Play store and came across a great, free puzzle game for toddlers – Kids Preschool Puzzle Lite by Intellijoy. Maggie loves doing puzzles and this app was perfect for her. She loved making all the different objects and I loved it because there was no tears over lost puzzle pieces!
She loved making apples, cherries, a fox and her favorite for some reason was the clock puzzle! I love seeing her excitement each time she completed a puzzle.
I’d always heard that tablets were great for kids, but I was always hesitant for some reason. After our recent experiences, I can honestly say it’s a fantastic learning tool. I also love that it offers great exercises in hand to eye coordination. I’m excited to find some other fun activities on the tablet for her. This will be a great way to keep her active during the long summer break!
Does your child use your tablet? What are some of their favorite apps?
**As part of the Verizon Wireless Ambassador program, I received a free device and service in exchange for my honest opinions. Thoughts and opinions here are 100% my own. **
Tesa @ 2 Wired 2 Tired
That looks like a great tablet and my kids would love the piano and puzzle games.
Carrie with Children
Maggie really loved the puzzles! I think I’m going to buy the app so she can have more of them!
I so want of those for the girls!!
Carrie with Children
I couldn’t believe how fast Maggie caught on to using it! She didn’t even need my help!
Aren’t they great? We use our tablet (iPad) all the time with the girls.
I am not sure if the apps would be the same since my girls play on a iPad, but they love the Jake and the Neverland Pirates game, Toy Story Mania, Itsy Bitsy Spider by Duck Duck Moose, Disney Small World App, and Monkey Math are our top apps.
Carrie with Children
Oh thanks for the suggestions! I’ll have to check those out!
I don’t have a tablet so NO. and I don’t let him near my laptop he threw my last one and broke it to pieces when I left it sitting on the couch one afternoon. Now I am very careful not to leave it anywhere near him.
Carrie with Children
Oh no! 🙁 That stinks!
Crystal @ Simply Being Mommy
My children are always on my both of the iPads we have here at home. And the one that isn’t on an iPad, is on an iPhone.
I think tablets are great learning tools.
Carrie with Children
Maggie is now addicted! She loves it! Such a great learning device!
I can tell you right now if I download that piano app, I am not getting my tablet back! LOL!! Love it!
Carrie with Children
Ha! She’s been playing that silly piano non-stop! She loves it 🙂
Shelly from Momfiles
I might be the very last person on earth without a tablet! I am a life-long Verizon customer and I need to look into one of these awesome gadgets! I think it would be great for road trips and waiting in the carpool line. I know my 4 year old would get a lot of enjoyment like your precious girl has been 🙂
Carrie with Children
Shelly – You should definitely look into it. I can’t believe how much fun Maggie is having with my tablet… and she’s learning too! YAY!
It definitely looks like a great tablet for everyone. I love the way tablets are shaping the way we look at education for our kids.
Carrie with Children
Yes! I agree, Felicia! Tablets and technology are changing the way our kids are learning… and I love it! Thanks for reading
Rachel @ Following In My Shoes
The look on her face is PRICELESS!!!
My son loves our tablet — he plays games, the piano app and watches movies. He LOVES it!
Carrie with Children
Oh I didn’t even think about movies on it! Great idea! Although, if I teach her about that.. I really won’t ever get it back 🙂
I love that first picture of her! Hayden loves so many apps on the iPad!
My son loves our tablet. It’s a Motorola Xoom, but I reviewed it as a Verizon Wireless ambassador as well!