Summertime means outdoor fun and lots of water activities. And for some, it also means ear aches and swimmer’s ear.
Similasan’s Ear Relief drops offer 100% natural active ingredients, providing relief from the sensation of clogged and full ears.
Until recently, I wasn’t aware of the warning signs for Swimmer’s Ear. The Similasan site offered great information to educate me. Check out some of the early signs of Swimmer’s Ear –
- Itchy ears
- A feeling of fullness or swelling
- Excessive drainage
- Inner ear pain
The Ear Relief drops help ease the pain by stimulating the body’s natural ability to soothe the ear and decrease the ear’s sensitivity to water. We haven’t experienced any pains from swimmer’s ear this summer… yet. However, we are going on vacation in a few weeks and there will be a lot of pool time. I’m definitely taking both the kids and adult bottles of Similasan Ear Relief drops with us!
Similasan products can be found at Walgreens, CVS, WalMart, Target and other large retailers.
For more information, visit Also be sure and “Like” the Similasan Facebook page and follow along on Twitter at @SimilasanUSA.
Did you know- Similasan Ear Relief was the #1 Pharmacist Recommended ear drop formula for the 10th year in a row!
** I wrote this post while participating in a blog tour conducted by Burst Media on behalf of Similasan. I have been compensated for my time commitment to the program, but my opinions are my own. **