Five Question Friday – August 17

by Carrie with Children with 8 comments

Yay for Friday! It’s our only weekend in August with no plans – I’m hoping it will be a nice, quiet weekend around our house!  We are gearing up for a HUGE family vacation next week… so I’ve got a lot of prep work to do!  What are your plans for the weekend?

Let’s get to the sure and share your answers below!

Just a reminder, I’m linking up with others for Five Question Friday and I don’t make up the questions. Click on the button above to see a linky list of others also participating.
What’s the one thing you buy every time you walk into the store?  Some type of drink… water, something with caffeine or juice for the girls.

If you had a day all to yourself, how would you spend it?  I would sleep in and then treat myself to breakfast somewhere that had a server (strange, I know).  I’d probably find somewhere quiet outside to spend the afternoon…maybe a beach chair with a frozen, fruity drink!

Are you a speed limit driver?  If not, over or under?   I’m a speed limit driver..  on the Interstate, I’ll allow myself to go no more than 5mph over the limit!  My husband says I’m a terrible driver though,  but whatever!

What’s your favorite dessert to make, homemade or from a mix?  Call me crazy, but I love brownies made from a box mix.  So delicious and easy.  And it’s even more yummy to eat the batter!

Would you rather have a spider or a mouse scurry across your face (and no copping out and saying neither)?!  First of all… who came up with this creepy question??!!  I would have to go with mouse – he probably scurries faster than a spider.  Gross. Yuck. Ewwww..



  • Kate@SurroundedByPenises

    I chose mouse, too…for the same reason lol
    I just followed you on the twitter 😉
    Be back soon!

    • Carrie with Children

      That mouse question creeped me out! Thanks for following along, Kate!

  • Michele

    I absolutely agree with you on #5.

    • Carrie with Children

      Good choice! Just the thought of a spider creeps me out!

  • Grisel

    LOL, I always get drinks too! They never last at home! Just liked you Facebook page….looking forward to reading more.

    • Carrie with Children

      It seems we are always running out of drinks too. Thanks for following along, Grisel.

  • Cindy

    I totally agree on the mouse question! They’re both gross, but the spider makes me get all hyper-ventilatey. Eeek!

  • Cindy

    Me again. Sorry I entered my url incorrectly. I think this one will work!