My Little Preschooler – #DownSyndrome and Inclusion

by Carrie with Children with 6 comments

This past Tuesday was a really big day in our family.   It was Molly’s first official day of preschool!

Molly’s class is a “typical” classroom – filled with “typical” kids and I’m so proud of her for keeping up with her new friends. Molly’s extra chromosome (also known as Down syndrome) shouldn’t keep her from experiencing school just like the other kids!

She’ll be going to school every Tuesday and Thursday mornings, and we’ll keep our regular therapy appointments on Wednesday mornings.  I think this will be a great way to ease her into everyday situations.  Her first day was a huge success – snack time, fun on the playground and they even did a few art projects too!

She tried out preschool a few days last school year with big sister Maggie and loved it.  Molly actually has the same teacher that Maggie had last year – so it’s great that they already know one another.

I’m so very thankful that the school is so welcoming to include Molly in activities.  They’ve never once voiced a concern about having her enrolled in school and I truly feel they are excited to have her.  Inclusion for children with special needs is so important – and it’s just as important for the other “typical” kids too.

I’ll keep you posted on how Molly is doing throughout the school year.  I’m sure some days will be harder than others, but isn’t that the way it goes with most children?

This is only the beginning of great things for our sweet Molly!

Do you have any ‘Back to School’ inclusion stories?  If so, I’d love to hear them!


  • Queentob

    I loved seeing her adorable face so excited for school! This year both of my kidlets will be in school -I’m nervous and excited to begin this new journey!
    Looking forward to hearing about yours !

    • Carrie with Children

      Thank you! She’s really loving school so far!

      I hope your little ones have a fantastic school year! 🙂

  • ashleigh walls

    I love hearing your positive stories about Molly. It’s great that the school system is so supportive and helping making the transition easy.

    • Carrie with Children

      Thank you so much, Ashleigh! I appreciate it. We are so thankful to have a great support team!

  • Mindi

    I am so excited to hear that she is in an inclusion classroom. 🙂 So fantastic. I know she will have a great school year. Will she be getting speech services through the school?

    • Carrie with Children

      Thank you so much, Mindi! I’m excited for her! This school is actually just a small preschool affiliated with a local church – no services or anything. We will continue with our regular weekly speech appointments at the children’s center.