Five Question Friday – November 30th #5qf

by Carrie with Children with comments closed

Happy Friday everyone! We finally got our Christmas tree up this week, but I haven’t decorated the rest of our house. Looks like I’ll be spending time doing that this weekend. What are your plans for the weekend?

Let’s get to the sure and share your answers below!

Just a reminder, I’m linking up with others for Five Question Friday and I don’t make up the questions. Click on the button above to see a linky list of others also participating.

What do you give teachers for gifts?   Since my girls are still pretty new to the world of giving teachers gifts, last year we gave Maggie’s teacher and Molly’s therapists each a gift card to Starbucks.  They were all so appreciative, but I’m hoping to step it up this year with something a little more creative.  Not sure what I’m doing yet!

Do you text? One finger texter or a total pro?   Yes, I’m a big texter and use two hands!  I don’t know all the shorthand lingo, but I’m a fast typer!

Do you give back during the holidays? If so, in what way?  We donate food each holiday season to the local food banks and usually donate toys too.

If you would have been the sole winner of the Powerball jackpot, what would have done with all that money?  So many things!  I would, of course, donate a TON of it!  Take care of my family/friends, buy an awesome luxury suite at the stadium to watch my NFL Jaguars and buy a house in Golden Oak at Disney World.

Mama M asked that instead of a fifth question for Five Question Friday this week, that we share a link to a page with information about her friend’s missing family members.  Facebook prayer page: Prayers for Trista, Shy and Matt