Happy Friday everyone! I hope everyone in the Northeast is prepared for what sounds like could be a pretty big snowstorm! Stay safe! What are your plans for the weekend?
Let’s get to the questions..be sure and share your answers below!
Just a reminder, I’m linking up with others for Five Question Friday and I don’t make up the questions. Click on the button above to see a linky list of others also participating.
What holiday did you wish not exist? I’m a fan of all holidays. Right now though, I’m pretty excited for Valentine’s Day to be over. Maggie has been talking about it for weeks – and I’m not even exaggerating. She asks at least three times a day when it’s going to be Valentine’s Day.
What is your favorite love/romance movie? Call me cheesy, but I love “You’ve Got Mail” and “Sleepless in Seattle”. Does “Pure Country” with George Strait count as a romance/love movie? It does to me.
Do you make a big production out of celebrating Valentine’s Day? Not really. My husband and I usually go out for a nice Valentine’s dinner either the night before or the night after – just to beat the crowds. Besides that, we don’t really do very much. I like to think that it’s just another day around our house.
What is something weird you did as a child? I was just telling my husband yesterday about my imaginary friend that lived in my neighborhood when I was a kid. I used to talk about him just like he was a real person, I even knew where he lived and I would ask my dad to slow down when we drove by his house so I could wave at him. Such a weird kid.
What makes you love your husband? (since it’s Valentine’s Day and everything…) I love that my husband is so hands-on and active in helping raise our girls. He loves getting them to help in the kitchen when he cooks, he loves taking them to school and he’s only missed two doctor’s appointments – ever. That’s the sign of an amazing Dad and a loving husband!