Five Question Friday – February 22 #5qf

by Carrie with Children with 3 comments

Happy Friday everyone! My husband leaves this weekend for his annual “boys only” snowboarding trip and the girls and I are going to have a (hopefully) quiet weekend around the house! What are your plans for the weekend?

Let’s get to the sure and share your answers below!

Just a reminder, I’m linking up with others for Five Question Friday and I don’t make up the questions. Click on the button above to see a linky list of others also participating.

What is a hobby you would love to learn and why?   I’ve always wanted to learn how to play the banjo.  Weird, I know.  I love country music, especially bluegrass – and the banjo has been my favorite instrument since I was a little girl.

What do you wish you could have delivered to your house but does not deliver?  Ice cream.  And not the neighborhood ice cream truck. I’m talking hot fudge sundaes, milkshakes, soft serve ice cream – all that good stuff!

What’s your favorite snow day activity? Inside and out?  Um… I live in Florida.  There is no such thing as a snow day, but if there was – my favorite activity would be drinking hot chocolate!

Would you meet a stranger from an internet dating site?  Now that I’m married?  Of course not.  Back in the day and under the right circumstances – maybe.

If you had to spend 35 hours in a car with four other people, who would you choose?  Well, my husband and my girls of course!  (And yes, I know that’s only three other people and not four!)


  • Mary McLean

    Not really into snow day sports ???

  • Kate@SurroundedByPenises

    Happy #5QF! I wouldn’t mind not having a snowday once in a while…

  • Pam Sohan

    Hobby : Hmmmm not sure I can afford another hobby LOL I scrapbook and therefore I take a ton of pictures, or maybe I take a ton of pictures because I scrapbook. LOL

    Home Delivery: I’m with you on the ice cream !! Pizza also. We live out in the semi country and none of the places is town deliver here.

    Snow dAy Activity: I always liked being out after dark when it snowed, Loved the way the snow sparkled in the lights. But now I live in Texas and I don’t miss snow days AT ALL !

    Internet Date: If I was single and we met in a very public place.

    Ummm I love my family but there isn’t ANYONE I would want to spend 35 hours in a car with LOL