Happy Friday everyone! My husband comes home today from his “boys only” snowboarding trip. The girls and I are excited to see him! That also means I’ve got a lot of cleaning up to do today – this house is a mess! What are your plans for the weekend?
Let’s get to the questions..be sure and share your answers below!
Just a reminder, I’m linking up with others for Five Question Friday and I don’t make up the questions. Click on the button above to see a linky list of others also participating.
Does your family coordinate clothing for church on holidays like Easter? Um. No.
How do you get out of a funk? A day trip to Disney World usually does the trick for me. Otherwise, a nice bowl of ice creams saves the day.
Online friends – real friendships or not? Absolutely real! I have tons of friends that I’ve met online and now we are friends in real life. Happens all the time! Twitter is the best.
What is the one food you must eat in a restaurant (and not make yourself)? I love scallops, but have no idea how to make them and they are my absolute favorite – so if they are on a menu, I usually order them.
What would happen in your home if you ran out of ketchup? I would be fine without it. Maggie, on the other hand – wow, you’d think the world was ending. That child wants ketchup for everything. Molly is learning to love it too. I caught her dipping a cookie in ketchup at lunch the other day! Ewwww…