Five Question Friday – March 1st #5qf

by Carrie with Children with comments closed

Happy Friday everyone! My husband comes home today from his “boys only” snowboarding trip.  The girls and I are excited to see him! That also means I’ve got a lot of cleaning up to do today – this house is a mess!  What are your plans for the weekend?

Let’s get to the sure and share your answers below!

Just a reminder, I’m linking up with others for Five Question Friday and I don’t make up the questions. Click on the button above to see a linky list of others also participating.

What was the most productive thing you’ve done this week?  Well, my husband has been out of town this week, so I’ve been pretty busy juggling kiddos.  I was pretty productive on getting a lot of my writing assignments completed this week – and even better, I got ahead on some of my upcoming projects!

Enjoying the weather or ready for Spring?  It’s felt like Spring here in Florida the last few weeks.  This weekend though, it’s supposed to get back to Winter temperatures and I’m not too happy about it.   I’m ready for Spring!

Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Is your spouse the same as you?  I think of myself is pretty outgoing and talkative.  My husband on the other hand – he’s quiet and a little more reserved.  We are pretty much the opposite – I’m the chatterbox in this family.  Well, besides Maggie and Molly.

Would you rather go without music or television for one year?  I would have to give up television.  Music is such a big part of my life.  I’m a big fan of music and can’t imagine having to do without it!

Have you ever been truly scared of someone?   Um… probably, but I have no idea who at the moment.