Free Printables – Wreck-It Ralph Arcade Fun #wreckitralph

by Carrie with Children with comments closed

Wreck-It Ralph is available now
My family and I are big fans of Wreck-It Ralph – we love watching Ralph become a hero and the friendship between him and Vanellope is so fun.  I especially love all of the references to the video games I grew up playing as a kid.

These new Wreck-It Ralph printables are a great family activity.  These print outs are a throwback to the old days – with jokes and arcade style fun.

download Game On!
I am a huge fan of Hidden Mickeys and love this video below showing a few hidden within the scenes of Wreck-It Ralph.  Animators love hiding Mickeys in movies and you can also find them hidden throughout the Disney Parks too.  So fun!

Also, be sure and check out my post about my visit to the Walt Disney Animation Studios for an exclusive look at Wreck-It Ralph.

For The Latest Wreck-It Ralph News

Be sure and “Like” Wreck-It Ralph on Facebook and follow the amazing folks of Disney Animation on Twitter at @DisneyAnimation.

Also, for the latest news, check out

 Wreck-It Ralph is available now via digital download and on Blu-ray DVD Combo Packs.

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