GoodNites Bed Mats Give Us Good Nights #BetterNights #PMedia

by Carrie with Children with comments closed
This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and GoodNites, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #BetterNights

Potty training seems to be the never ending battle at our house.  Maggie has mastered using the potty during the day, but we still struggle at night time to be accident-free. She understands that staying dry overnight is important, but we just haven’t been very successful.

In fact, we’ve been letting her sleep in a “baby diaper” at night just to avoid any messes overnight.  I’ve been struggling with how to transition to “big kid underwear” and this past week we decided to try a new tactic – GoodNites bed mats.

GoodNites Disposable Bed Mats

The mats are super easy to use – just peel back the adhesive from each of the corners and place it directly on the bed.  The mats have a slight padding to them making them extra absorbent and a leakage barrier around all four sides of the mat.  Maggie moves around quite a bit when she sleeps, so I was worried that the mats would be noisy or shift throughout the night – but we’ve had no problems.

So, it’s been “big kid underwear” for a couple nights for us and while we’ve had a few accidents – it’s a quick switch out of the bed mats and back to bed.  The GoodNites mats have been such a great help for our transition.  Plus, there’s nothing better than seeing my little Maggie proud of herself after staying dry at night.

GoodNites bed mats Package Information

 And while I give credit to Maggie for trying so hard to stay dry each night, we’ve added a new step to our bedtime routine.  Right before getting into bed each night for story time, we make a pitstop at the potty for one last time.

I think these GoodNites bed mats may be the final item that we need to complete the potty training process.  I love seeing how happy and confident Maggie is each morning with no accidents and the mat still in place too.

GoodNites Bed Mats A Success

Right now, Target has a great coupon on their site for $1.50 off any one Goodnites product – either the bed mat or the bedtime underwear.  It’s a great savings!  So, be sure and grab a coupon before it’s gone!

Keep me posted if you decide to give these great GoodNites products a try with your little one.  The bed mats have really made our transition so much easier.

Have you tried GoodNites products with your little one? 


This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and GoodNites, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #BetterNights