Target’s 2013 Back to School Ad – #DownSyndrome Sighting!

by Carrie with Children with 7 comments

Nothing makes me happier than to open up the weekly Target advertisements and find a cute kid with Down syndrome staring back at me.

Last week, I received a special Back to School mailer filled with coupons – yay!  Once I finished tearing out the coupons, I immediately start flipping through the book to see if I could find any “familiar” faces and there she was….just as cute as can be!

Target Back to School 2013 Ad Down Syndrome

Isn’t she just the cutest?  Surrounded by ‘typical’ kids, doing ‘typical’ things like getting ready to go back to school.  She’s just too cute!

It may not mean much to most people, but for parents of children with Down syndrome, this is such a HUGE deal.  From my knowledge, this is the fifth time a child with Down syndrome has been in Target advertisements.

A few of the past weekly ads included their 2012 Back to School advertisement and another in November 2012 leading up to the holiday rush. The really cool part?  Not once has Target even acknowledged it or made a big deal about it.  Kids are kids – no matter how many chromosomes they may have.

All of these children and so precious!  I’m proud to see a large company incorporating children with special needs into their advertising campaigns!

(Hey Target, if you are listening – let’s chat…my Molly would make a great model!)


  • Melissa

    Ah, she is gorgeous! Love it!

  • amber whitehead

    So cute definitely a great #ad.

  • Kristina Bewley

    Target has been using children with DS for years now, definitely more than 5! At least I’ve seen more than 5 since Giselle was born so I know there is more! :)~

    • Carrie with Children

      Ah, that is just so cool! I love it! I could only count five that I remembered – so glad to hear there are lots more!

  • Willie

    Carrie…Have you seen the advertisements on TV? They feature a child with Down Syndrome. I think that is so awesome. And yes…Molly would make a great model…and I’m totally unbiased.