Making Laundry Chores Easy with Whirlpool #WhirlpoolWashSquad

by Carrie with Children with comments closed

As a work at home mom juggling two toddlers and our family’s schedule,  laundry seems to be the never ending chore.

If you follow me on Instagram, you know I’m always laughing about the ‘laundry supervisor’ at my house –  Jack the cat.  He seems to be the only one in my house who wants to help. He always finds his way in the middle of everything when it is time to fold clothes.  He’s a great supervisor, except when he gets to close to the black clothes. Orange fur and black clothes don’t mix.

Jack the Laundry Supervisor

The folks at Whirlpool have created a new app for mobile devices to help out with the daily chore of doing the laundry.  The lets you assign laundry tasks to your family, track and even reward their completed chores and even create custom laundry guides with wash/dry instructions.

The app even includes a Stain Eraser guide and a Fabric Coach to help fight the tough stains that kids always seem to have on clothes.  I never go far without my phone and this easy guide will definitely come in handy.  I never know the best way to treat stains.

The is available for FREE on Apple devices –  yay free!  Now, if I could just get Jack the cat to use the app…. he’d really move up in the ranks of supervisor duty.

whirlpool washsquad app infographic

Try the new Whirlpool WashSquad App!

Be sure and  for your family.  It’s a great timesaver and helps keep me stay on task. Even better, it helps get the rest of my family involved too!  I think it can be a great addition to our daily routine, let me know if you decide to give it a try!

What do you think about the WashSquad app?


** Presented by , this is a sponsored post on behalf of Whirlpool. All opinions expressed here are my own. **