Recipe: Chocolate Caramel Pecan Pie #HersheysHalloween

by Carrie with Children with comments closed

When Fall arrives and the weather starts cooling off, I started craving food. Isn’t funny how certain foods bring back memories.

While most people love pumpkins and pumpkin pie around Halloween time, my favorite fall dessert has always been pecan pie. While looking for something new to make this past week, I came across a recipe for Chocolate Caramel Pecan Pie using Hershey’s Rolos – easy to make and a new spin on an old favorite.

Recipe Chocolate Caramel Pecan Pie Hershey Rolos

And because I love Rolo so much, I’m giving them out to all the trick-or-treaters in my neighborhood…  and I’m keeping the pie to myself.

I found this recipe (and many, many more) at  It’s a great place to find inspiration for Halloween recipes, decor, costumes, crafts and even party ideas.

I’m already making big plans for some of the girls leftover Halloween candy – there are so many great recipes to choose from, I’m all about re-purposing (and saving some for myself too)!

What’s your favorite Hershey’s Halloween candy?  


** This post is sponsored by the Global Influence Network with products provided by Hershey’s.  Thoughts and opinions here are 100% my own.  **