October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month. I haven’t talked about it much here because in my house *every day* is about Down syndrome awareness.
We don’t let it consume us – just like breathing and eating, Down syndrome is our part of our family. That doesn’t mean I don’t stand up and scream ‘inclusion’ at every possible moment because I do that often. In my own little world, I’d prefer to spread awareness every day – not just in October.
I’m not here to bash or talk badly about those that use this month to nudge folks into learning about the disorder that affects more than 400,000 people in the United States. We all need to be champions when informing others about Down syndrome. It isn’t a ‘death wish’ and it’s not something you can ‘catch’.
When my Molly was born, I knew absolutely nothing about Down syndrome. I knew one person with Down syndrome and my knowledge was extremely limited. Nothing like getting a crash course in a disorder while you are holding your newborn child. There’s no way to explain the feeling of holding your baby and having a doctor tell you that they may never walk, talk or even feed themselves.
I think it is important for people to know there are resources available and support for families and individuals.
So instead of asking you to donate to the cause or share more facts, I’d like to ask your help with a few things when it comes to Down syndrome awareness.
Be a good example for your children when it comes to accepting others. Don’t be afraid to talk with special needs parents about their child. Expose your children to those that have disabilities.
And most of all – respect that what may be good or ‘right’ for your child, may not be what is best for other children.
Pam King
Carrie with Children
Thanks for reading, Pam!
You are such a great role model for all parents! I don’t have a personal connection to anyone with Down Syndrome, but I do make sure to teach my children that everyone is different and that is a good thing.
Carrie with Children
Thank you, Alicia! I love that you are teaching your kids that different isn’t a bad thing – Good job, mama!
Jessica @FoundtheMarbles
So beautifully written.
Carrie with Children
Thank you so much, Jessica. I appreciate it!
Theresa Robb
My son’s elementary school had more than enough moms to help in their child’s classroom. I decided to spend my time in the CLS classroom helping with the Down Syndrome, autistic, and nonverbal kids. I got more hugs, and smiles than I would have working in my sons classroom. These kids knew my son and he knew them. In our family, kids are kids, we don’t look at the labels. We look at the individual.
Carrie with Children
Ah, what a great story Theresa. Thank you so much for sharing. ‘Kids are kids’ – I love it. Kudos to you, mama!
She is so darn cute- I wish i could hug her and be her friend- i bet she loves everyone.
Carrie with Children
Thanks, Tessa! She’s a good hugger and loves making new friends!
You are such an awesome mom. She is such a cutie too!
Carrie with Children
Thank you, Daisy! I appreciate it!
Kara Franker
You are an AWESOME mom and both of your girls are so ADORABLE. xoxo
Carrie with Children
Aw, thank you so much Kara! We need to have a get together again soon so you can meet my silly kids! Hope to see you soon!