Positive Thoughts: Down Syndrome, Technology and Learning #MicrosoftBloggers

by Carrie with Children with 1 comment

As a mom to a child with Down syndrome, I do my best to incorporate technology into our daily lives. Whether its a laptop, a phone or even  a tablet – I love seeing Molly shine working on her hand/eye coordination, cognitive skills and also just having fun.

Microsoft Molly Story
Molly, is now four year old and she’s recently transitioned to a new school and I was excited to learn that they also strongly believe in using technology in the classrooms, as she attends weekly computer classes. Computer skills will continue to help her succeed as she grows and continues to adapt to everyday life.

I was excited to recently come across this Microsoft story about the Fighting Against Adversity nonprofit organization in Mexico – the group was formed by Carlos De Saro, an individual that just happens to have Down syndrome. (How’s that for cool?!)

Students with Down syndrome attend computer classes taught by leaders using hands-on techniques and Microsoft products. From Microsoft Word, to Paint to even language software – kids ages 6 to 17 are learning thanks to Carlos. It’s so inspiring to see him succeed and use what he’s learned to help others succeed too.

Thank you, Carlos and thank you Microsoft for understanding the importance and need for technology in the lives of those with special needs. I’m excited to continue using technology with Molly as she continues to grow – both physically and mentally too.


** I am a member of the Microsoft Bloggers program and receive products throughout the year as part of my participation. Thoughts and opinions here are 100% my own. **