Let’s Continue to Have Tobacco-Free Kids #ShopTobaccoFree

by Carrie with Children with comments closed

The last few months have been an eye-opener when it comes to looking at my shopping habits and patterns. Thanks to the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, I’ve taken a closer look at local retailers and the specific items they sell and it’s shocking to see how many still sell tobacco.

I’ve been surprised to see that there haven’t been any retailers added to the tobacco-free establishments in my area. In the coming months, I hope more retailers climb aboard and understand the impact that selling tobacco products has on children and families.

Shop Tobacco Free Graphic

Tobacco is the only consumer product that kills when used as intended, tying in the real cost of tobacco – 480,000 lives and $289 billion in health care bills and economic losses each year.

Take a Stand

In 2015, I plan to continue showing retailers that shopping at tobacco-free establishments is important to you. Visit the Shop Tobacco Free site to send messages to retailers like WalMart, Walgreens and Rite-Aid asking them to stop selling tobacco products. With an estimated 375,000 retail stores sell tobacco products in the U.S. The availability of tobacco products sends a terrible message to kids that tobacco use is normal,acceptable and appealing.

I’m going to continue sending notes of thanks to retailers, like Target and CVS already participating in the tobacco-free movement.

Tobacco Free Retailers Crayons Cigarettes

Join the Movement

Learn more about the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids at ShopTobaccoFree.org. Also be sure to join the conversation on the Tobacco-Free Kids Facebook page, on Twitter at @TobaccoFreeKids  with the hashtag #ShopTobaccoFree and at the Tobacco-Free Kids Instagram page too.

Do you shop at tobacco-free retailers? 


**  This post is sponsored by the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. Opinions shared here are all my own. **