Travel Tuesday – Museum Memberships

by Carrie with Children with 3 comments

What is your favorite place to go for a playdate?  Thanks to a recent bargain, the science and history museum is quickly becoming one of our favorite places to go. I quickly scooped up the museum’s Groupon deal a few months ago for an annual family membership for just $30.  Considering one adult admission is $10 – this was a huge savings.  We’ve already gotten our money’s worth  in just three visits!  The membership allows us to bring guests  and it’s quickly becoming my new go-to playdate spot!

Our last playdate at the museum was this past Friday.  Maggie had a great time exploring in the playroom and I had a quality time with a good friend.  The featured attraction at the museum this fall is a dinosaurs exhibit. We passed on visiting that part of the museum on our last trip, I’d rather skip it than have a crying, scared baby.  Maggie likes waving at the animals in the nature center and I like to hurry past the baby alligators (named Phineas and Ferb). Maggie’s favorite area is the playroom.  They have a neat waterfall with tons of water toys at the bottom.  If I could only get Maggie to wear the waterproof apron, things would be great.  She refuses and ends up soaking wet every time, but she’s having fun and that’s all that matters. 

I’m realizing that family memberships are perfect for stay at home moms.  It’s a great outing that’s kid friendly and it’s educational (ssshh!).  Museums make for the perfect rainy day activity, too. Plus, since we have the family membership, I don’t feel like I’m wasting money if I have to make a mad dash for the door when one of the girls gets fussy – our membership allows us to come and go often!

Do you take advantage of museum/zoo memberships? If not, what are you waiting for? What are your favorite places to meet for a playdate?


  • Deana

    I love the museum memberships! You really get more bang for your buck.

    Thanks for the follow:)
    Back at ya! And welcome to the blogging world.

  • Lindsey

    Following you!

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  • Sippy Cup Mom

    Sounds like so much fun! We have a Children's Museum that I love to bring my son to. Too funny the alligators are named Phineas and Ferb–we are big fans!