My Maggie loves bath time. As soon as she hears the water running, she runs to the bathroom and squeals in excitement! After she’s clean, she loves having playtime in the tub! I was excited when Boon, Inc provided me with the opportunity to review the Splat Floating Ring Toss game

Maggie loved playing with the rings, although she’s got a lot of practicing to do on aiming and the toss part! As a mom, I loved that the ring toss was a great way to work on her hand/eye coordination skills. I always enjoy finding toys that are great therapy tools! In addition to Maggie having fun with Splat, it’s going to be a great tool in the future for Molly!
My likes:
Maggie loved playing with the rings, although she’s got a lot of practicing to do on aiming and the toss part! As a mom, I loved that the ring toss was a great way to work on her hand/eye coordination skills. I always enjoy finding toys that are great therapy tools! In addition to Maggie having fun with Splat, it’s going to be a great tool in the future for Molly!
My likes:
- Splat is a BpA-free product!
- The fun, modern look and bright colors.
- It’s affordable!
- Great tool for strengthening hand/eye coordination.
My dislikes:
- Maggie’s tossing skills! 🙂
- Tough to find any other dislikes, it’s a great product!
Overall, this toy was a lot of fun! On the Carrie with Children scale of approval, the Boon Splat ring toss gets an A. I plan on passing information along to Molly’s therapists about these great products, maybe other special needs kids in the program will find them beneficial (and fun) too. I’m also happy to learn that 10% of Boon’s profits are donated to children’s charities!
Stop by and check out other great Boon products on their blog. Also be sure to become a Boon, Inc. Fan on Facebook and follow them on Twitter. In addition to bath items, they have a great variety of feeding products (utensils, bowls, high chairs, etc) and a really cool decor section. I’ve already got my eye on the potty bench for when potty training comes along!
**I received a complimentary sample of this product, in return for an honest review. No financial compensation was provided. As an Amazon affiliate, I receive a small commission on sales made through the Amazon links in this post.**
Looks like lots of fun!! Any kind of bath toy in our house goes down a storm! Oli spends more time in the bath tub then what I do!! 🙂
The Regal Pup
Fun! My son needs some new bath toys. Thanks for the post.
I can't give my kids things to throw in the tub because they always end up being thrown at me.
Living on Love and Cents
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