Random Questions For A Sunday Night

by Carrie with Children with 6 comments
My new Twitter friend Mama B tagged me to join her in a fun four questions game! Not sure my answers will be exciting, but oh well!   It would be wrong not to play along…so here goes!

Four things in my handbag diaper bag:
1. Wipes
2. Cute disposable Elmo placemats
3. A few books for Maggie to “read”
4. Tons of diapers!

Four things in/on my desk:
Um…I’m a weirdo and don’t have a desk..so I’ll just use the kitchen counter instead!

1. Bills, bills and more bills
2. My coupon book – I never leave home without it!
3. A few toy catalogs!
4. A big, huge snack basket

Four things in my bedroom:
1. Dirty clothes!  🙂

2. A baby monitor
3. A very uncomfortable pillow (mine)
4. Large stack of People magazines that I need to read

Four things I’ve always wanted to do (but haven’t tried yet):
1. Go to Hawaii
2. Take the behind the scenes “Keys to the Kingdom” tour at Disney World

3. Run a marathon (but I’m not a runner)
4. Win the lottery!  🙂
Four things I enjoy very much at the moment:
1. My babies
2. My cute husband
3. Mountain Dew
4. Football season

Four songs I cannot get out of my head:
1. It Won’t Be Like This For Long – Darius Rucker
2. Only Prettier – Miranda Lambert
3. It’s Time to Eat – DJ Lance and Yo Gabba Gabba
4. Rug Time – Sid the Science Kid (PBS show). I go to bed every night singing it.

Four things you didn’t know about me:
1. I was a dancer for almost 16 years
2. I hate feet.  Really hate them.
3. I have no sense of fashion – and I’m okay with it.
4. I love useless facts.
filed under Everyday Life


  • Mama B

    love it! thanks for playing along!!

    and PS I hate feet too and I wanna win the lotto 🙂


  • Carrie with Children

    It was fun! Thanks for including me! Feet are the *worst* thing ever! Creeps me out just thinking about it.

  • Sippy Cup Mom

    I love it!!!

  • Tara

    Love it! I also want to go to Hawaii, hopefully we'll both get there someday!

    I've never really wanted to run a marathon, but sometimes I do get urges to run, it's weird!

    And I'd definitely LOVE to win the lottery 🙂

  • Stephanie

    Ok this was fun it was great to get to know more about the people I read everyday. oh and I hate touching feet but i love a good foot rumba

  • Carrie with Children

    Yay! I'm glad it was a hit! Major props to Mama B for tagging me! So who can I tag next? Sippy Cup? Stephanie? Tara?