Anything related to special needs children and families has a place close to my heart. My Molly is six-months old (already?!) and I can’t even begin to describe to you the amazing special needs professionals that have touched our lives these last few months. They continue to offer a great deal of strength and support to my family.
I received the following press release today and wanted to share it with you, in case you (or anyone you know) are interested in getting involved in the special needs community. Take note that these are online classes – all from the comfort of your couch!
New Year, New Career: Registration Open for Special Needs Life Quality Coaching™ ClassesInternational Association for Life Quality (IALQ), an initiative of the Training, Education & Research Institute (TERI), is offering the world’s first specialization coursework designed to train individuals to work as Special Needs Life Quality Coaches™. Prospective coaches complete a 16-week online experiential learning course that opens the doors to a new career opportunity. Individuals are taught to become experts in supporting persons with autism and other developmental and learning disabilities and their families so clients can achieve their personal goals and dreams and lead fulfilling lives.The Special Needs Life Quality Coaching curriculum was designed by Dr. Krysti DeZonia, TERI, Inc. Director of Education and Research, a university instructor, renowned speaker, researcher, author, and the parent of a son with profound and multiple disabilities. Backed by TERI’s 30 years of experience supporting children and adults with developmental and learning disabilities and their families, the Special Needs Life Quality Coaching curriculum builds on the non-profit agency’s efforts to help this population achieve happiness, hope and belonging through a new level of care and lifespan support.Registration is now open for 2011 classes and will close on January 19, 2011. For more information and to sign up, please visit
**I received no compensation for this post. I’m simply sharing this information with you because it is a cause that I strongly support.**
I wish I could do something like this! My degree is in psychology but I don't use it for the line of work I'd like. Until my son's are out of college I kind of need to stay put. When I worked for the Health Department it was such a great joy to help others. I'm sure that the people that have worked with Molly are just as great as Molly is.
It is wonderful working with special needs children. As you know I have a sister with down syndrome so it's touched my heart for years. I worked with a 7 year old that was autistic and when I go back to work when my Zoe is in kindergarten I'm thinking of going to the Resource Center! Happy New Year!