I’m A Mabel’s Labels Buzzmama

by Carrie with Children with 2 comments

I’m so excited to share my latest adventure with you!  I’ve recently partnered with Mabel’s Labels to be a Buzzmama!  Every mom’s gotta love a company with the tagline – “Labels for the stuff kids lose!”

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Those that know me in real life, know first hand how particular I am with being organized and prepared.  Mabel’s has labels for everything – seriously! Iron-on clothing labels, shoe labels, labels for cords/wires (which I desperately need) and my personal favorite – the custom neat freak combo.

Did I mention that they are stylish and cute too?!
As a Mabel’s ambassador,  I look forward to sharing my experiences with you over the coming months. For now, what are you waiting for?  Go check out Mabel’s Labels – tons of really cute (and helpful) stuff!

No compensation was received for this post. I am a Mabel’s Labels Buzzmama and periodically receive information and products.
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  • Anonymous

    I requested info from this company also to get labels I'm excited to hear from them.

    Pam Rodgers King

  • Carrie with Children

    That is great, Pam! I've got coupons – let me know if you need any, I can email them to you! Actually, I'll send you a FB message right now.