What I Saw This Weekend…A Molly Milestone!

by Carrie with Children with 4 comments

This past weekend was pretty quiet for us. We had some friends visiting town for the day on Saturday… and sadly, I didn’t even take one picture while they were here!   I usually don’t move without my camera!  Shame on me!

We celebrated a huge Molly milestone on Saturday.  With a little free time while waiting on my friends to arrive in town, Molly was very interested in going up and down the stairs.  At first, she held me hand on each trip up and down… but after a few times, she was doing it all by herself – no need to hold on to anything!    This is a HUGE milestone for Molly and she did fantastic.

Molly Walking Down Stairs

I love that silly smile on her face in this picture.  You can just tell she knows she’s doing something important! So cute!

I am SO incredibly proud of her!  It seems silly to think about how excited I truly am that she’s mastered this skill!   She’s been working on it for weeks now at physical therapy!  I can’t wait to go back this week and show her therapist this picture… (unless she’s reading my blog and already seen it! Hi Kris!)   Ha!

What did you see this weekend?! 


  • Ashley @ Mama Of All Trades

    I might be unusually sappy this morning, but this totally made me tear up. This is amazing! Go Molly!! (and go Mama!)

    • Carrie with Children

      Sorry to make you tear up, especially first thing in the morning! 🙂 Molly rocks!

  • Nichol

    Yay, how exciting! Congratulations Molly:)