How My Couch Changed My Life

by Carrie with Children with 2 comments

It’s that time again…  every six weeks I’m a guest columnist at the Florida Times-Union, my local newspaper. I love having the freedom to write about any topic I choose – it almost feels like a continuation of my site here!

This week, I’m sharing the story of my precious furniture… and how it changed my way of thinking as a parent.

I know, you’re probably thinking it’s a stretch of a story… but it’s true!

I’d love for you to hop over to the Florida Times-Union site to read about what made me cry while shopping for furniture.  I should probably be ashamed of it, but I’m not.

I’d love to know what you think of today’s article!  Check it out –  No Longer A Need To Keep Your Feet Off The Couch.

Do you have a love/hate relationship with your furniture? I’d love to hear about it! 


  • Hanan

    Love reading your article! It’s so true, that once children come along it changes your perspective on many things.

    As for our couch, I totally have a love/hate relationship with it. We have only had it a few months, but the day after we got it my two year old jumped off it and broke her arm. Then my older two were climbing up it and ripped it already…kids! =P

    • Carrie with Children

      Thanks Hanan!

      That is so sad she broke her arm jumping off the couch! 🙁 Poor thing! It sounds like your couch is an indoor playground, just like me! 🙂