Del Monte Fruit Cups – Healthy Afternoon Snack! #SmartSnack #CBias

by Carrie with Children with 6 comments

Maggie had such great manners this past week and since she was also a great helper around the house, I decided to take her shopping for a little “Mom and me” time… and let her pick out a special prize too!

She was so excited to go to the store…just the two of us.  As soon as we got to WalMart, just like any kid… all she wanted to talk about was the toy department.  With a love of all things princess, Maggie picked out Memory – the matching card game.  She held it the entire time we were in the store!

While we were shopping, I decided to pick up a healthy snack for our game time. My girls are big fans of Del Monte fruit cups – they taste great and I especially love them because they are an affordable and healthy snack.

I was excited to see the two newest Del Monte fruit cup flavors – Diced Apples & Pears with Caramel Flavor or the Diced Pears with Vanilla & Spice.

Del Monte Fruit Cups - Diced Apples & Pears

Maggie was definitely interested in trying these new flavors, so in they cart the went and we made our way home to play the new princess Memory game. Maggie didn’t exactly enjoy following the rules of the game, she much rather preferred to make up her own rules.  (Oh, the life of a three-year old!) However, she did love trying out the new Del Monte fruit cups.  The Diced Apples & Pears with Caramel were her favorite!

Maggie and I had a great afternoon with some “Mom and me” time.  Shopping, a healthy Del Monte snack and a fun game with my little one…  the perfect afternoon!

Want to see more of our adventures at WalMart and discovering the new Diced Apples & Pears with Caramel Flavor or the Diced Pears with Vanilla & Spice?  Check out my Google+ post with some fun pictures of our trip!

Del Monte Fruit Cups WalMart

Learn more about these new Del Monte fruit cups at on the Del Monte Facebook page and on Twitter at @DelMonteFoods.

Have you tried the new Del Monte Diced Apples & Pears with Caramel Flavor or the Diced Pears with Vanilla & Spice?  If so, what did you think?


** I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Del Monte #CBias #SocialFabric #SmartSnack. Thoughts and opinions here are 100% my own.  **


  • Melissa

    We usually only get the oranges but we will have to try the new flavors!

    • Carrie with Children

      Molly is a big fan of the oranges too! I love the ease of fruit cups!

  • Jenny F

    I saw these in the store, and I can’t wait to try these! The boys are so strange, they do not like to bite into apples or pears, so I have to cut them up; the Del Monte fruit cups would be a huge help and time saver!

    Thanks for sharing!

    • Carrie with Children

      These fruit cups would be perfect for them! They are bite-sized pieces. Just open the container and they are ready to go! So easy!

      Hope your boys enjoy them!

  • Alicia

    What a little cutie! “Mommy and me” time is always a good thing!