Dear single parents – You are my hero.
I am currently on day nine of my husband’s twelve day business trip… and this is TOUGH work!
Maybe I’m just spoiled or maybe I’ve taken things for granted with my husband being around to help, but I’ve definitely gotten into a new routine with him not at home. I’ve learned to plan better when it comes to grocery store trips, the best times to take a shower and I’ve learned to better value the night time hours once the girls are in bed.
There’s no such thing as “Hey, can you watch the girls while I run a few errands?” And a few hours of peace and quiet? Yeah, right. Better fit that in during school hours or after bedtime. And cooking for one? Not fun!
I’m thankful that my parents and my mother-in-law have helped me out this past week. Always good to have an extra pair of hands on standby!
These past nine days, all I’ve been able to think about is how in the world do single parents do this each day? And military parents.. wow. You get extra gold stars from me. I feel like such a wimp admitting defeat after just nine days when there are parents out there who do this each and every day. All day.
I truly hope Santa brings you an extra present this year. Maybe a gift of some time off or a relaxing day at the spa. You are an amazing parent. So much stronger and more awesome than me. I’m not sure I’m cut out to do this by myself. Seriously.
You totally rock.
Love, Me. A stay at home mom of two toddlers
(ps. Dear Husband – If you are reading this, please come home soon.)
And don’t forget the moms with husbands who work 12+ hours a day!
Mandy @ MoneyMasterMom
I found you via the bloggy mom’s blog hop. I feel the same way you do, I really don’t comprehend how they do it. One top of everything else they usually work full time as well. Hat’s off to single mom’s everywhere.