Spread the Word to End the Word – March 6th #rword #downsyndrome

by Carrie with Children with 2 comments

Today is Spread the Word to End the Word Awareness Day. I invite you to join me in taking the pledge to stop using the R-word and spreading awareness about people with Down syndrome and all types of special needs accurately and respectfully.

End the R Word Campaign Button

I’d also love to encourage you to check out the Preferred Language guide from the National Down Syndrome Society – there is so much wonderful information – change in the right direction only has to start with one person.

For more information on this PSA and the R-word movement, please visit the “Not Acceptable” campaign website.


What do you think of this campaign?  I’d love to hear your feedback!

** I received no compensation for this campaign.  I’m simply sharing this because it’s a cause I strongly believe in.  Thoughts and opinions here are 100% my own.  **


  • Cassie

    I took the pledge last year as well as this year. I love this campaign! As someone in the generation that used this word I promise to take a stand and help end the use of this word starting with my two girls.

    • Carrie with Children

      That’s awesome, Cassie! Thanks for participating and being a great role model for your girls!