Laundry Tips: Arm & Hammer Baking Soda & Detergent #ARMandHAMMER

by Carrie with Children with 12 comments

ARM & HAMMER Baking Soda has been a staple around my house since I was a child. For more than 165 years, people have chosen this affordable and safe item for baking, household, and personal care uses. It wasn’t until recently discovered a new way to use it – doing my laundry!

Laundry Tips with ARM & HAMMER

Laundry Booster

By adding a 1/2 cup of ARM & HAMMER Baking Soda to each load of laundry, my wash even harder to get my clothes clean. Just this simple change in my laundry routine has left my whites and colors even more vibrant than before and smelling fresh too.

Musty Smells Be Gone

In the past, we’ve had a tough time keeping our towels smelling fresh.  And I’ll admit, I usually forget the towels are in the washer so they sit awhile before being moved over to the washer.  (Shame on me!)  After a few extra washes and a sprinkle of the Baking Soda – the bad smells disappear.

Washing Stuffed Animals with Arm & Hammer Baking Soda

Stuffed Animals Deserve Baths Too

Molly never goes far without her Mickey Mouse stuffed animal.  He has certainly seen better days.  So, when I read that ARM & HAMMER Baking Soda worked to freshen up stuffed toys, I sprinkled a little on to Mickey and let him relax for about 15 minutes, then dusted off the residue.  Good as new… and thankfully, smelling better too!

Ultra Power on Tough Stains

The new ARM & HAMMER Ultra Power 4X uses double scoops of Baking Soda, so you don’t even have to remember to add your own scoops!  My Molly is a messy eater, so I also just sprinkle a bit of Baking Soda on stains and pop it in the washing machine.  The new detergent has gotten out the toughest stains for us.

ARM & HAMMER Ultra Power 4x Laundry Detergent Bottle

Learn More About Arm & Hammer Products

For more household tips and other ways to use the great products, visit the ARM & HAMMER website.  You can also find a location to purchase ARM & HAMMER™ products near you and sign up for the ARM & HAMMER Savings Center  for great coupons and special offers too.

Also, be sure to connect with ARM & HAMMER™ on Facebook and look for the #ARMANDHAMMER hashtag on your favorite social media sites for updates and news.


How do you use Arm & Hammer Baking Soda at home?   Share your tips…


** I am a member of the ARM & HAMMER™ Influencer Network.  Product information, compensation and products were provided by the company. All thoughts and opinions here are 100% my own. **


  • Pam King

    I did know about sprinkling baking soda on stuffed animals but not the one about adding to laundry to get musty smell out of the towels :)!
    Thank you!

    • Carrie with Children

      I learned a lot of new things about using Baking Soda! So glad you learned something too, Pam!

  • Emily

    I use it in the diaper pail or trash can if it gets stinky.

    • Carrie with Children

      Ah, that’s another great idea! I bet it gets rid of odors right away!

  • Amber Edwards

    I just used Baking soda to help get blood out of clothing! I also use it all the time when the husbands workout clothes start stinking to high heaven even after washing. It works amazing.

    • Carrie with Children

      It does such a great job of removing stains and blood is a tough one to get out too! So glad you love it too!

  • Daisy

    We love Arm & Hammer. I keep an opened box in our refrigerator to to absorb odor.

    • Carrie with Children

      Yes! I do that too, Daisy! It’s a huge help in knocking out stinky odors!

  • Brandie (@ Home Cooking Memories)

    We always have a box of Arm & Hammer in our refrigerator and my husband uses it with the cat litter box too. We’re fairly regular Arm & Hammer users because I always seem to find great coupons for them (and the prices are pretty good to begin with).

    • Carrie with Children

      I need to give it a try with the cat litter box! Great idea!

  • Stephanie

    In addition to using baking soda in my wash, I use baking soda to clean my sinks, tubs, and toilets. Use it in place of harsher sink cleaners like Comet and Ajax. In the toilet, you can sprinkle 1 C of baking soda around the rim and sides of the toilet (I flush first, so the baking soda has something to cling to.), follow with 2 Cups of vinegar and about 5 or so drops of Tea Tree Oil. Once the fizzing stops for the vinegar/baking soda reaction, scrub the toilet as usual.

    • Carrie with Children

      This is awesome, I’ll have to give it a try! Thanks for sharing, Stephanie!