I Bleed Teal, Black … and Clear?! #NFLAllClear

by Carrie with Children with 24 comments

A love of football season is in my blood.  Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve watched football on the weekends in the fall.  It’s a love that has been passed down to me from my parents and one that I’ve already began sharing with my girls.

My husband and I have been NFL Jacksonville Jaguars season ticket holders for over 10 years – it’s our passion.  We want to share our love of football with our girls, so when the two seats next to ours became available a few years ago… we bought them too! (Typically, we sell the extra seats or share them with friends.)

This football season is extra special for us, Maggie went to her first preseason game a few weeks ago and she loved it!  Next year, we’ll probably be ready for Molly to go too.

Jaguars Game Collage Maggies First Game

This year, the NFL introduced the  which require fans to leave their bags at home or in the car for speedier access to stadiums and enhanced security.  As a fan that typically ‘travels light’ to home games, I can count on one hand how many times I’ve carried a bag to the stadium. I’d rather have my hands free for cheering!

However, I am 100% behind the . It’s not meant to restrict fans from having a good time – it’s simply a measure to keep us safe.  As I begin taking my children to more and more games over the next few years, I want to concentrate on enjoying the game with my kids and know that we are safe.  That’s my main priority – a safe environment and it’s the NFL’s priority too. They are following the lead of other leagues and I welcome the extra safety precautions.

Jaguars Collage

As a season ticket holder, the Jaguars have done a great job of informing us of the new policies.  In fact, we received a free, clear bag to use at home games – complete with the team logo! What’s not to love?!

Twitter Party Alert 

Take part in this week’s Twitter chat with The Online Mom and a fantastic group of bloggers as we talk about .

We’ll be talking football, fun and the importance behind this new rule, this Wednesday night, August 28th from 9-10pm EST.  The hashtag for the chat is #NFLAllClear.  Be sure to so you can be eligible to win prizes!

I’m @CarrieWChildren on Twitter, let me know if you’ll be there too!

NFL Jaguars Evebank Field

What questions do you have about the NFL’s ALL CLEAR policy?  


** This is a sponsored post in conjunction with The Online Mom.  Thoughts and opinions here are 100% my own and not influenced by others. **


  • Melissa

    I can’t wait to bring my son to his first game. I appreciate the new policy keeping us safe!

    • Carrie with Children

      Maggie absolutely loved going to a game, I bet Hayden will love it too! They can scream as loud as they want 🙂

  • Emily

    Sounds like a reasonable policy to me. Anytime that huge amounts of people get together, it’s scary to think about the damage that one person could do.

    • Carrie with Children

      I agree, Emily. With so many people at the games, it’s always best to be safe.

  • Sheila

    I have never been a big football fan, till last year when I went to my first live game. Now I want to go to every game!! Go Vikings 🙂

    • Carrie with Children

      Watching football live in the stadium is so much fun! I’m so glad you had a great time!

  • Ashley S

    While I understand the policy… I’m just sad I can’t bring my Redskins purse to games anymore 🙁

    • Carrie with Children

      I’m sorry your purse has to stay home, but now you don’t have to worry about it getting dirty or lost while you are cheering your Redskins to victory! 🙂

  • Crystal @ Simply Being Mommy.com

    I think it’s a great policy. Faster to get in and enjoy the game.

    • Carrie with Children

      Yes! We got into last week’s game so much faster since we didn’t take any bags!

  • Robyn Wright

    I had no idea you were such a big football fan. That is so sweet that you bought the other two seats already for the girls as they get older. So fun!

    • Carrie with Children

      Oh yes, Robyn – I love, love, love football! I’m so excited the season is here again!

  • Shop with Me Mama

    Sounds like a good policy to me! Your little one is too cute!

    • Carrie with Children

      Thank you so much! She’s only four and already a football fan!

  • Angela

    When I lived in Tampa, I loved going to watch the Bucs play. Even when they were having a bad season which was often.

    • Carrie with Children

      We’ve been talking about going to a Bucs/Jaguars game one preseason – I love that their stadium has a pirate ship in it!

  • Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell

    I love the policy but I’ve never been one to travel light. I gotta have all sorts of crap with me!

    • Carrie with Children

      LOL. I usually carry a lot of stuff with me, but on gamedays – I try to have as little as possible – keeps my hands-free for cheering and food/drinks! 🙂

  • Becca - My Crazy Good Life

    I like this rule, but am wondering how someone will easily take kids? They come with a LOT of stuff!

    • Carrie with Children

      You can still take kids items – it just has to be in a clear bag! When Maggie went last week, she had no troubles!

  • Jessica @FoundtheMarbles

    We went to Eagles training camp this week and the clear bags are really no big deal. Once the newness of it wears off it’ll all be just fine!

    • Carrie with Children

      Yep – it hasn’t been a big issue here in Jacksonville either. I like traveling light!

  • Emily Knight (@OurKnightLife)

    That is very smart, but is it 100% across the board? What do families with babies do? Are there any exceptions? Perhaps for someone with a medical condition that requires a bag?