Change is something I’ve always feared, I crave a routine and having a plan for each day. I guess that’s just part of being a mom and being prepared. But, the new year marks new changes for our family and the world of Miss Molly.
After attending the same therapy center since she was seven months old, we have changed our routine and switched to our local public school system for Molly’s speech and occupational therapy sessions.
After many discussions with Molly’s original speech and occupational therapists, we decided that a change would do Molly well. She’s been in the same routine for so long, she knows ‘the system’ and we all agreed that maybe a new face and learning from others would benefit her learning more.
There was nothing wrong with where we’ve been going – but at three years old, Molly qualified moving to the (great) public school system, it’s free (yay!) and they are able to double the amount of therapy sessions she receives each week – and it’s five minutes from home, instead of our usual 45 minute drives across town. Kinda hard to say no to that kind of opportunity. Another plus – now Molly can attend another day of ‘typical’ school with our new routine.

It is truly a ‘win’ for Molly. More weekly hours of therapy, more days at ‘typical’ school, we are no longer paying out of pocket and I get an extra morning of free time. We just started our second week in this new routine and so far, so good. Molly has already shown improvements and she’s enjoying her extra day of school too.
I’ll keep you posted on how things are progressing throughout the next few months. After the summertime, we’ll transition again to a pre-kindergarten system!
I m just SO excited for Molly! She is just doing amazing – she has such great parents! 😉
Carrie with Children
You are just too kind! 😉 We are so proud of Molly and her achievements – total rockstar!
Kara Franker
Go Molly! And yay for that extra morning of free time for you, Carrie!! xoxo 🙂
Carrie with Children
Thanks, Kara! Molly is doing great with our new schedule and I’m loving my extra few hours of quiet! 🙂